Friday, May 10, 2013

Made a Stiletto

I had a very old and rusted 3 sided file that I've wanted to turn into a 3 sided stiletto for a couple years and I finally had a reason to do it so I went for it. I made this for Monica for her B-Day.  The blade and tong are from the file, the hilt is made from part of a turn of the century water tank band, the handle is fashioned from deer antler, hunted by a friends grandfather in the 1960s. The pommel is out of a piece of metal from part of some old local farm equipment and the copper flowers are hammered from a couple of 1960's pennies I got from my grandmothers house. The Pommel nut is an acorn nut rounded down to shape.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013


So I finally got to go to Pismo last weekend with my brotha James for Sethzilla's birthday extravaganza.      ..